Snable Stevenson & Silva LLC

How Insurance Companies Fail to Cover Insureds in an Accident

Snable Stevenson & Silva • Sep 11, 2023

The intricate dance between insurance companies and their policyholders unfolds routinely, generally running smoothly until an accident occurs. Insurance companies are consistently eager to collect your premium payments, yet frequently employ various strategies to limit the extent of coverage payouts when a claim is filed. It is at the onset of an accident claim that the contours of the relationship often transform, as the insurance company's obligation to compensate its insured for damages and medical expenses is brought to the forefront. While the insurance sector serves as a bedrock of financial stability and assistance for many, there are numerous instances where insurance companies fall short in providing adequate coverage to their insured following an automobile accident. These shortcomings often arise from loopholes in policy terms, unresponsive customer service, delays in settlement, underestimating claim amounts, or disputing the liability, amongst other tactics.

Loopholes in Policy Terms

The commencement of an insurance policy often entails a convoluted web of paperwork, replete with terms and conditions that the average layperson finds difficult to interpret. Within these contractual stipulations are often hidden exceptions and loopholes that could disqualify an insured individual from receiving a payout in certain situations. For instance, many policies contain exceptions for “Acts of God,” which might include natural disasters. Though this may seem reasonable on the surface, the interpretation of what constitutes an “Act of God” can vary. A significant flood or storm impacting an accident may result in denial of the claim.

Unresponsive Customer Service

A recurring theme in the discourse surrounding insurance claims is the challenge of dealing with unresponsive or unhelpful customer service. The period following an auto accident is rife with trauma, medical assessments, and potential legal ramifications. During this critical time, prompt communication with the insurance provider is essential for the insured to ensure that their medical and repair bills are addressed. Failure on the part of insurance companies to provide timely and efficient customer service can exacerbate the victim's woes manifold.

Delays in Settlement

Insurance companies sometimes employ stalling tactics, leaving claimants in a financial quagmire. Despite the urgency of receiving compensation for medical bills and property damage, bureaucratic labyrinths often delay the payment process. While some delays may be justifiable due to investigative protocols, a prolonged delay places undue stress on the injured party, possibly forcing them to compromise on their medical treatment or rehabilitation efforts. This delay often gives insurance companies the upper hand during settlement negotiations as the financial strain can make the claimant more willing to accept a lower settlement than they deserve.

Underestimating Claims

One of the most disconcerting practices within the insurance realm involves the deliberate underestimation of claims. Insurance adjusters are trained professionals, often leveraging their knowledge and experience to underestimate the worth of a claim subtly. Whether it's undervaluing the extent of vehicular damage or questioning the severity of medical conditions, these actions serve to undermine the financial help the insured is entitled to receive. This tactic not only diminishes the immediate monetary relief but also has long-term implications for the injured party, whose medical expenses could mount over time.

Disputing Liability

One of the more controversial strategies employed by insurance companies involves questioning or outright disputing liability. Even in seemingly clear-cut cases where the insured is not at fault, insurance companies might employ aggressive tactics to attribute blame partially or wholly to the victim. This disputation can lead to drawn-out legal battles, straining not only the finances but also the emotional well-being of the injured party. This tactic aims to either reduce the payout amount or evade the payment obligation entirely, leaving the insured party vulnerable and stressed.

Navigating through the aftermath of an auto accident is a challenging ordeal, compounded by the shortcomings of insurance companies in meeting their obligations. While the insurance industry is regulated by a set of laws and ethics, the loopholes and grey areas are often exploited to the detriment of the policyholders. Given the catastrophic impact that such failings can have on the financial and emotional stability of the insured, assistance from an attorney is often necessary to hold insurance companies more accountable.

The advent of customer advocacy groups and increased governmental scrutiny may serve as incremental steps toward mitigating these challenges. However, a multi-pronged approach that involves enhanced regulations, consumer education, and a more transparent claims process is vital for a more equitable landscape. As consumers place their trust and financial resources into insurance policies, the companies should reciprocate with fair, timely, and sufficient coverage, particularly when the unforeseen strikes. It is not merely a contractual obligation but a social responsibility to ensure that the safety nets for which policyholders pay do not unravel when they are needed the most.


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Contact our Birmingham, Alabama Injury Lawyers Today for Legal Help

Have you or a family member recently been injured in an accident in Alabama? Contact Snable Stevenson & Silva for immediate legal assistance and advice. You may be able to pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. Our qualified Alabama injury lawyers can help you fight to secure a full and fair award.

We offer a free case evaluation and consultation. Contact our law office in Birmingham, Alabama to schedule yours today. If you can’t come to us, we can arrange a time to visit you. Consultations can be arranged at the hospital, your home, or even your place of business. There’s a limited amount of time to act, so give us a call to get started today.



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